lunes, 3 de febrero de 2014

Outfit shooting

Esta semana pasada, no he podido colgar post, he estado de nuevo en Barcelona, que como ya he comentado, es como meterme en una peli. Volví el sábado porque teníamos que currar el domingo (ayer), en un shooting y este fue el outfit elegido, cómodo y normal. La parte especial la ponen las zapatillas, que pese a ser planas y calzar un 39, no hacen el pie grande.

This past week i have not been able to hang a post. I have been back in Barcelona, and as I have mentioned in other occasions, it’s like being part of a movie. I returned Saturday since had to work yesterday Sunday in a shooting, and this was the outfit chosen, casual and normal. The special part are the sneakers, that even being flat and having a EU39, don’t make your feet big.
Zapatillas/Sneackers: Superga
Jeans: Zara
Camisa/Shirt: Zara
Chaleco/vest: Holly Bracken

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