Pues nada, que me voy con mis amigas a Gijón, mucho que celebrar y mucho que contar, quizá incluso demasiado...
Últimamente tiro de negro... y el negro como lo uses mucho, es difícil de soltar después. Se me ven los calcetines, jajaja, calcetines blancos con negro... ahhhh el problema era calcetines blancos con zapatos negros... o no?
Long weekend (bank holiday in Madrid) so I am going to Gijon with my girls friends; we have a lot to celebrate and a lot to talk to catch up on, may be too much…
Lately I am wearing black cloths very frequently… the problem with black is that when you start using it a lot… then it is difficult to stop wearing it. Ups! Socks visible in the photo! Hahaha… White socks with black shoes is a problem… or not?
camiseta/tshirt: American Vintage
jersey/sweater:Twin Set
Bolso/bag: The Code
complementos/complements: Tete by Odette